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Thanks to Whole Foods for Thanksgiving support

on Mon, 12/03/2012 - 15:32

Many thanks to Whole Foods of Bedford for donating bags, stuffing mix, broth and pumpkin to our Thanksgiving pantry!

Make your turkey reservation

on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 00:22

Starting Thursday, November 1, the Food Pantry will be taking reservations for Thanksgiving turkeys (and all the accompaniments for a complete dinner.) Clients can sign up for a turkey during the pantry's normal hours, 4:30-6:00 on Thursdays. Turkey pick-up will be held the Monday before Thanksgiving.

Help us out--Join a pantry team!

on Thu, 09/06/2012 - 14:17

We're looking for someone to join a Thursday afternoon pantry team. Pantry team members distribute the bags of food, and sometimes fill them as well. As a member of a pantry team, you'll staff the pantry once every six weeks for about three hours. Find out more here. If you can help, please use the Contact link, or leave a phone message at 781-275-7355. Thanks!

Concord CROP Walk on Sunday, October 14

on Thu, 08/30/2012 - 02:28

Support the Bedford Food Pantry and other local food pantries by participating in or donating to the Concord Area CROP Walk for the Hungry. It's happening on Sunday, October 14, stepping off at 2:15 at First Parish in Concord. Online donations are now live, and more information can be found at This is a great cause and an important source of support for the Bedford Food Pantry.

Pantry now opens at 4:30.

on Mon, 07/16/2012 - 18:58

Operating hours for the Food Pantry are now Thursdays, 4:30-6:00. We hope this later schedule will be more convenient and encourage everyone to stay for the complimentary Community Dinner at 5:00.
