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Rich Hamilton swims 54 miles for the Food Pantry!

on Mon, 09/09/2013 - 15:47

Bedford resident Rich Hamilton set a goal for himself at the beginning of the summer: swim 50 miles and collect pledges for each mile to benefit the Food Pantry. Thanks to Rich's hard work and many loyal supporters, he surpassed his goal by four miles, raising over $1,500 in the process. You can read more about Rich's undertaking at the Facebook page SWIM 50 FOR BEDFORD FOOD PANTRY. We sincerely appreciate this significant fund raising effort--many, many thanks to Rich and everyone who pledged!

Community dinners return Thursday, September 12

on Mon, 09/09/2013 - 15:43

Our popular Community Dinners begin another season on Thursday, September 12, at 5:00 in the dining room downstairs in Bedford Town Center. We'll be serving the ever popular pot roast. This dinner is made possible by the dedicated efforts of members of the First Church of Christ, Congregational in Bedford and other individual volunteers. Community Dinners are free and open to everyone. Come join us!

Relive the fun of 2012's Turkey Trot!

on Mon, 07/22/2013 - 15:57

Thanks to Rich Hamilton for this recap of last year's Thanksgiving morning Turkey Trot. It's our biggest fundraiser and lots of fun for everyone.

2012 Turkey Trot video

Thanks, Rich and all the participants and donors!


March 7 Community Dinner and Pantry cancelled

on Wed, 03/06/2013 - 04:48

The impending storm has forced us to cancel the Community Dinner scheduled for March 7. The Food Pantry will also be closed. Both will resume normal operation on March 14.

2012 Turkey Trot a huge success!

on Wed, 12/12/2012 - 17:57

Many, many thanks to all the organizers and participants in this year's Turkey Trot, held on Thanksgiving morning. The event raised over $4,800 for the food pantry, a new record! This is our major fundraiser of the year and critical to our continued operation. We really appreciate all the  time and effort that go into it. If you didn't get a chance to participate, but would still like to support the pantry, our Donate tab can guide you. Many thanks!
