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Shop Whole Night December 23 at Bedford Whole Foods

on Mon, 12/08/2014 - 20:43

December 23 is a special night at Bedford Whole Foods. From 9pm-1 am, they'll offer blockbuster deals, free karaoke, raffles, a chocolate fountain. Best of all,1% of the evening's sales will go to benefit the Bedford Food Pantry. This is a great chance to enjoy a fun event, save on your holiday shopping, and support the Food Pantry at the same time. Thanks, Bedford Whole Foods!

Best Turkey Trot ever!

on Mon, 12/08/2014 - 14:46

We are astounded by this year's Turkey Trot, which raised over $6,000 for the Food Pantry. Profound thanks to organizer Rich Hamilton, and all the participants and supporters who made it such a great success. The Turkey Trot is our most important fundraiser of the year, and we greatly appreciate the efforts of everyone involved!

Thanks, Bedford Whole Foods!

on Mon, 12/08/2014 - 14:43

Bedford Whole Foods continued their tradtion of supporting the Food Pantry and Community Dinners by donating reusable bags for our Thanksgiving pantry. These bags make it much easier for clients to carry home their turkeys, and will continue to be useful the rest of the year. Thanks again!

Pantry and Community Dinner closed on Thanksgiving, 11/27

on Wed, 11/19/2014 - 16:08

The Food Pantry will be closed on Thanksgiving, and there is no Community Dinner that night. The Thanksgiving Pantry distribution will be Monday, November 24. Pantry clients should have already received detailed instructions about the Monday pantry. Anyone with questions may call 781-275-7355 and leave a message.

Bedford Family Connection’s Thanksgiving Pie Drive Benefits the Bedford Food Pantry

on Wed, 11/19/2014 - 16:04

Each year our clients enjoy Thanksgiving pies collected by the Bedford Family Connection at its annual Pie Drive. Learn more from this Bedford Citizen article submitted by the Bedford Family Connection:

The Bedford Family Connection is holding its annual Pie Drive in support of the Bedford Food Pantry this Thanksgiving.  Please bake or buy a pie to support this effort!

There are three ways to help:

  • Bake/buy and deliver your pie(s) from 9:00am–1:00pm on Sun Nov 23.  Please email for address.
  • Bake/buy and deliver your pie(s) from 1:00– 3:00pm on Sun Nov 23 at the Food Pantry, located in the Bedford Town Center building (the yellow building) at 12 Mudge Way. Enter through the left-side door.
  • Order a pie from Chip-In Farm, 201 Hartwell Rd., and they will take care of the delivery!

Please email to pledge your pie(s) by Sat Nov 22. *No cream pies, please!
