The Bedford Community Table/Pantry, Inc. is a nonprofit, charitable 501(c)(3) organization. We rely on donations from individuals, businesses and organizations. Our tax ID is 04-3128840.
To donate money
- Make a one-time online donation to us through PayPal Giving Fund. We prefer PPGF because donations come to us fee-free. The receipt for your tax-deductible contribution will come from PayPal Giving Fund.
- Set up a recurring online donation with PayPal. We do pay fees on these gifts, but it's well worth it. Our PayPal ID is
Make a one-time donation using Venmo. We're @BedfordFoodPantry.
Mail us a check made out to Bedford Community Table/Pantry, Inc. (It sometimes takes us several weeks to process checks.) Send to:
Bedford Community Table/Pantry, Inc.
12 Mudge Way
Bedford, MA 01730 - Recommend us for a grant from a Donor Advised Fund such as Fidelity Charitable, Vanguard Charitable and Schwab Charitable. We are a 501(c)(3) organization and our tax ID is 04-3128840.
- Make a Qualified Charitable Distribution to us from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Contact your IRA Custodian for instructions. We are a 501(c)(3) organization and our tax ID is 04-3128840.
Any amount is welcome, needed and appreciated! We will provide a written acknowledgement of all donations that are accompanied by a name and mailing address. Donations are tax deductible.
To donate food
We are not accepting donations of food at this time.